Root Canals vs Tooth Extractions

illustration of tooth infection requiring root canal therapy

A root canal treatment is performed when the pulp inside of a tooth has become infected, usually due to tooth decay or dental trauma. Root canals involve creating a small hole in the top of the tooth, which allows our team to clear out the infected pulp. Then, the tooth is cleaned and sealed, and a dental restoration must be placed to protect the tooth from further damage and future infection.

Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction

Root canals tend to be preferred over dental extractions whenever possible, as keeping an original tooth is less invasive than extracting and replacing a tooth. However, there are times when a tooth has received excessive damage, and the best option involves removing it altogether. It all depends on the overall condition and structure of the tooth.

Dental extractions are performed when a tooth has been through irreversible damage and cannot be restored. Root canals can essentially bring dead teeth back to life, but they have to be done within a certain timeframe, otherwise the tooth will need to be extracted. Dental extractions can bring patients peace of mind if a certain tooth has been causing them problems for years and they would prefer to have it removed and replaced.

Gentle Treatments

Root canals have a history of being painful, scary procedures, but modern medicine has made root canal procedures far less intimidating than they used to be. Patients also tend to be nervous when they need a tooth extracted, but our team offers gentle root canal treatments and dental extractions to repair and restore smiles.


After either a root canal or dental extraction, you will want to be sure that you stick to eating soft foods and chew with the other side of your mouth if possible. The pain after your appointment shouldn’t be anything that an ice pack and over-the-counter pain medication can’t relieve. If you need your smile examined to help you determine which treatment is right for you, please reach out to our office to schedule a consultation with our team.

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